We all have first times for everything. Our first step, our first love, our first joint, our first kiss, our first pill, our first house party, our first-time sex. How about the history of house and especially the history of the dance pioneers?
DJs have all of those same first-time experience, but what makes them different is that they all have a first gig. Check here how DJs reminisce with Marcy Goes Wild about theirs under the title My First Gig.
Empathize with the debut stories by the likes of Charlotte De Witte, Enrico Sangiuliano, Secret Cinema and many more international dance icons. Plus first gig and feature interviews bij Marcy Goes Wild with, among others, Tom Hades, A. Paul and techno queen Nicole Moudaber.
250+ interviews by Marcy Goes Wild
Marcy Goes Wild interviewed over 250 DJs from all over the world about their first DJ gig. Check them all out, because there certainly are similarities, but in the end, every experience is pretty different, to say the least, than the other. Every DJ tells Marcy Goes Wild his or her own unique story that you can find here.
History of house
Marcy Goes Wild pictures the history of house since the late 80’s in interviews with those who lived it. All described in sometimes quite personal stories of those who’ve preached dance music since then and are passing on that passion to next generations. That passion for this genre of music that originates from connection, sharing, love, peace and unity.