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We all have our first times. Want to know that special moment of Charlotte De Witte, Enrico Sangiuliano, Nicole Moudaber, Secret Cinema and many others? Maybe I interviewed your favorite dance icon about it. Check it out!

Nomar: “The first sounds, the intro, the beat, wow!”
It hasn’t been that long since Ramon Brouwer aka DJ Nomar won the YWSTD DJ contest. In 2014 he told me the story of his first gig. “Finally, this was my moment! I was ecstatic!”

Misja Xampl: “My gut feeling is my best teacher”
We met in 2010 and in 2016 I interviewed Dutch DJ/producer Misja Xampl about his first gig. “After three months of spending sixteen hours a day behind the turntables, I was able to mix perfectly.”

Dutch Dance reads like an exciting book
Has Van Bergen’s quest for the history of Dutch Dance paid off? The answer is a resounding yes!