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André van der Monde aka DJ Monde was also a member of the Huppels-group on Facebook that I mentioned while telling the tale of DJ BeNRG. That means that we also met online in that virtual ‘cafe’ we called Huppels. In September 2011 we finally met in real life, on the festival Wooferland and offline we hit it off the same way as we did online.
Since then André has been a steady part of my life. He’s been at my home several times to buy vinyl (sold by my love, who had a vinyl business) and he was part of the surprise birthday party in my home that was organized a years ago.
Multigroove and Mazzo
By now I realize that André is considered to be mr. Mayhem and a huge part of the Multigroove family and the Mazzo clan. The first one features hardstyle and oldskool, the latter acid – all three not my favorite genres. Hence my ignorance about DJ Monde’s epic status in the Dutch dance scene. Perhaps that was a good thing; I might have been too intimidated at first to even talk to hem. Now we became friends in an organic way.
In September 2014 André told me about his first gig. André is the nicest guy ever, with a golden heart that has a passion for a specific part of natural healing – use your imagination to decide what plant he prefers to work with.